About Sleep Training Kids

Sleep Training Kids is a parenting and educational website that teaches people about their sleep training and sleep regression survival options – and offers real-life ideas to inspire them on their way to (or back to) a better night’s sleep. Sleep Training Kids is known for making sleep-related studies and information accessible and easy to understand.

We help parents know how to sleep train their children and survive sleep regressions – so everyone sleeps better.

Our Story

We bought this domain name and SleepRegression.com and started both sites in mid-2019. After several months, we realized that combining the sites made sense for a more seamless and reader-friendly experience. Thus, this site now covers all topics related to sleep regressions and sleep training kids.

This was all after blogging about sleep training and sleep-related issues for several years on other blogs – and realizing that people wanted better access to all things related to sleep and kids.

Kimberly, a licensed Registered Nurse in Utah, started the websites after telling and re-telling her experiences with sleep regression survival (particularly the 11-month sleep regression of doom, her least favorite one!) and sleep training. She told her story so many times that she was done with it and burned out – she wanted nothing more to do with anything related to sleep.

She may have even uttered something like, “Oh, for love… I’m tired of telling my story about sleep-related stuff repeatedly. Maybe I’ll delete those posts and quit answering questions about how to sleep train or survive another sleep regression already.” However, the questions kept coming, and Kimberly’s nature as a nurse and educator wouldn’t let her quit.

One day, however, she had an epiphany.

Kimberly realized that she could focus on giving families the information, studies, and evidence-based data they needed to do their sleep training. So instead of having to tell her story repeatedly, she could tell it once or twice while focusing on education and evidence.

And this way? Families could get the sleep training information, inspiration, and education they’ve been searching for – and get it all right here on Sleep Training Kids.

Today, Kimberly is still the driving force behind Sleep Training Kids – working hard every morning (before her kids wake up) to share evidence-based research and best practices of sleep training with the world.

You can read more about Kimberly by clicking here.

Our Audience is Growing

As of yet, Sleep Training Kids is still a growing website. But it is growing – and we’d love you to be some of our first subscribers on YouTube.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel right here.

Our Readers Are Awesome

We’ve helped hundreds and thousands of parents across the world – via our websites and our products.

Here’s what one kind-hearted mother had to say about us, and this article in particular.

Kimberly! What a wonderfully written article! You provided such helpful suggestions, insight, research support and real parent experience. Seriously, I was so scared I was doing everything incorrectly and ‘failing’ at sleep training and now my feelings are validated. I know now that going with my gut instinct is right for me and my baby.

Again, thank you so much for this! My husband doesn’t want to spend all the time and energy researching and reading how to sleep train when we barely have the time and energy. This article is a concise and helpful general guide. I feel honored that you included my questions and answered them. Thank you!


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